limpin' ain't easy

Friday, March 27, 2009

Vin Diesel is Probably the Coolest Man Ever

Earlier this evening, I convinced a fellow classmate to skip the remainder of our class to take advantage of the free tickets I received for an early showing of Fast and Furious. We got there with negative minutes to spare, and thus had to sit in the second row. Needless to say, I am now paralyzed from the neck down because of the position I had to hold for 93 minutes while watching cars explode and race through drug tunnels.

The movie was as good as was expecting it to be (read: not good). But I was left thinking about how fucking awesome Vin Diesel is, and is quite possibly the coolest man ever. Bear with me:

  • He was originally cast opposite Ben Affleck in Reindeer Games but left shortly after production started because he was worried about the quality of the screenplay. GENIUS.
  • Vin started his own video game company
  • He played D&D when he was young (normally, that would be a downgrade, but because he's so freaking badass it's a huge upgrade)
  • His bicep is bigger than my entire body
  • His name in Vin Diesel. He was born Mark Vincent, but he's just way too cool for such a regular name
  • He was in The Pacifier, which I will freely admit to watching repeatedly
  • Steven Spielberg started his career. Seriously, Spielberg saw him and said "yeah, I like this guy." Then he cast Diesel in Saving Private Ryan.
  • Vin Diesel was the voice of The Iron Giant. Bet you didn't know that. Now you do.
There are more reasons why Vin Diesel is awesome, but I will leave you with this: