limpin' ain't easy

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Praying Mantes, Hiccups, and also, I'm awkward.

So, I've had the hiccups twice today. I never get the hiccups. What's with that?

Also, I've seen two praying mantes (mantises?) in the past couple weeks. Good luck, I'm hoping, all though they are large, scary insects.

Today, a perfect example of how awkward I am:
I walking down the street with someone that I had a crush on last year, when it turned out the friend whose house they were going to was not going to be there. Because we were almost to my house anyway I thought "hey, here's my chance." I then said, "Do you want to come over to my place? Maybe get a glass of water?"

Get a glass of water?? No wonder I can't get a date.

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