The dough started melting towards the end, so some of the penguins and polar bears are slightly droopy. Whatever, they're still the cutest dessert ever. I couldn't finish mine (I ate the tiny green penguin), so Ben the dog took care of the rest of it.
Ben the dog has been pretty awesome. Yesterday, he was annoying the crap out of me, jumping and barking at me. But today, after I found out that a friend from high school lost her battle to leukemia, he completely changed his tune and was totally there for me. So thanks, Ben the dog. Lacey the cat was also very sweet to me. Animals pick up on that stuff, the emotions I was trying to hide from the kids--I'm supposed to be taking care of them, I didn't want to be crying and upset in from of them. So the animals were there in their sweet way. Even Curtis the dog, who is very sick himself made sure to nuzzle me a few extra times.
Even though it had been a while since I had talked to Casey, I always thought of her. Sometimes she drove me crazy--how could anyone be so happy and smiley all the time? But she was, it was genuine and that's why we love her. The funeral is on Tuesday, and I'll be going to say goodbye. Last night, I had a dream about Colin, who died a few years ago. I couldn't bring myself to go to his funeral, and I've always regretted it. Today, when I found out about Casey's passing, I knew that I couldn't rationalize myself out of going to her memorial service. My thoughts and prayers go out to her family and friends who love her so dearly.

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