Most of the thoughts that came out were just as inane and worthless as my other tweets, so I am glad I didn't post them. Even though I agree with Tom's column about keeping tweets uncensored, I do edit myself--as we all should. We don't go around blurting out everything we think. Although today, I did scream at a car as it sped down College Avenue. "THAT WAS A CROSSWALK ASSHOLE!"
Regardless, I try to avoid tweeting a.) my emo self-loathing thoughts, b.) my frivolous annoyances with my roommates and c.) anything to do with whomever I have a crush on. Here's why:
a.) No one likes a Debbie Downer, especially me. I'm not going to broadcast to my 80 or so followers that I'm having a "fat day." Because even though it's Twitter--who effing cares that I feel ugly on any given day, that's fishing for @-replies of people saying "no, you're beautiful." Which I wouldn't receive anyway, thus making me feel even worse.
b.) Both of my roommates are on Twitter, even though one of them forgot she had an account. To post stupid frustrations about the hand towels not being folded the way I like, or the Brita pitcher being too close to empty for my preference comes across as passive-aggressive. I am fully aware that when things like the direction of the toilet paper roll frustrate me, it has less to do with the toilet paper than my general mood. So, I leave those out of my tweets.
c.) I also don't like tweeting about love interests, because it's also another passive-aggressive type thing to do. Also, it ain't your business.
Even though I shy away from those subject matters in the first place, the other tweets that make it into my updates could still use a second glance before I tweet away. That is where my experiment comes in. I'll be honest, I wasn't entirely tweet-free for the whole week, but nearly time I reached for my phone to text a tweet, I jotted it down instead.
Here I provide you with the transcribed highlights of my non-tweeting adventures over the past few days.
My original post: every time i'm inspired to tweet i' will write it down instead. then i'll review, and report back if it turns out i am that damn clever.1:41 AM Apr 24th from twitterrific
- I might be that damn clever. (2 hours ago via index card)
- @pretzlrodstewart um, LoL?
- Why am I so itchy?
- itchy itchy itchy.
- Seriously itchy. Benadryl me up. WOOOOOO.
- Glad everyone in this house is getting laid besides me.
- I often do something because it is a bad idea, ie turning all the burners on high to relight a pilot light. Also, fork in a socket.
- The odds of me waking up with as many clothes as I fell asleep in: not so good.
- I just read the Fark headlines as one continuous story. Took way too long to realize.
- Como hacer un bebe omg heartsplosion explosion!
- I haven't had a (real) dinner at all this week. Cookies don't count as dinner. Oh but I wish they did.
- unironic LOL.
- oh! how fortuitous.
- I dislike an end fuck backfire or gunshot omggg
- will this go on gawker if i don't call the cops?
- but i don't know the diff b/w a backfire and gunshots!, it always turns out to be a backfire!
- The tragedy of stoner kids.
- OH: I love Olive Garden. I just love their soup and salad!
- The man next to me on the train is sleep-barking.
- The harpischord, theremin and mandolin are all grossly underused.
- Using an eyelash curler on a train is a bad idea. It's a bumpy ride.
1 comment:
1) I would've called you beautiful...
2) Never not @-reply me again.
3) Flamboyant homosexuals rule forever.
4) I will be the friend you get. Facebook me babe*~*~
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