limpin' ain't easy

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Exactly what I've been trying to say

As you may or may not know, I kinda don't like Michael Phelps. Yeah, yeah, 8 gold medals, whatever. But that's doesn't mean it's cool to be a dillhole. Remember your roots, bro. Anyway, even though I boycotted the Olympics this year, I've seen the butterfly race where Phelps won by 1/100th of a second a few times. Because it's amazing. As a swim coach, I always stress the importance of finishing strong: head down, etc. Even though the dude is clearly douchey (please download the following article from U of M's Every 3 Weekly: Phelps is a talented athlete and in the following video he says exactly what I've been saying to my swimmers for forever.

And for your viewing pleasure, more Anderson Cooper-ness. He's just being adorable and his freestyle isn't too shabby.

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