limpin' ain't easy

Friday, February 27, 2009

Wish Granted

When I returned home from the computer lab this evening, a 2'x2'1' package was waiting for me. My mother informed me that a belated birthday gift would soon be arriving, but I thought it would be High School Musical 3 (I'm amazed no one got it for me, it's so obvious). Anyway, I didn't think my mom was going to buy me a couch. Within the box was a giant bag, so big in fact that I could fit inside of it--yes, I actually tried. Within the bag was another box. Inside of that was a case for my sewing machine. Very awesome. However, all the packaging was entirely unnecessary, seeing as the case is indestructible.

Wednesday I got the lucky opportunity to see a taping of "The Daily Show." It was awesome, as was my vegetable mousaka from the little Greek place in Hell's Kitchen. Just as I thought my night couldn't get any better, I saw Keith Olberman in the subway. I was already smiling because I was in an awesome mood, and we made eye contact and he smiled back! Wahoo! 2 Silver Foxes down, 98 to go. My evening was so wonderful that I didn't even care that I spilled my leftover mousaka all over Penn Station trying to catch my train.

Damn, Keith Olberman, Jon Stewart and Tom Selleck all in one day. I am a lucky girl indeed.

Watch Wednesday's episode of "The Daily Show" here. A truly hilarious episode.

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