limpin' ain't easy

Saturday, January 10, 2009

SO many things upset me about this.

The first time I saw this commercial, my friends and I discussed the ridiculousity of naming a company after the Russian secret service. We're in America, dammit! But for reals, you can't just steal an acronym that's been previously established.

But then I saw the commercial again, right before watching Robot Chicken. Then the woman said something that resulted in me yelling and throwing the remote and coughing because I'm sick. When the interview man asked the interviewing woman what the best cheesesteak in Philly is, she replied "Geno's." Geno's? GENO'S?!? No, no, no, no, no, no, WRONG. The best cheesesteak comes from Pat's King of Steaks. I don't get if you get with, with whiz or without, with provolone (like me), Pat's is the best cheesesteak in Philly. Jimmy's comes in a close second, and I will argue that most cheesteaks in Philly are edible, solely because that's where cheesesteaks should be eaten. However, Geno's is not only less than delectable, they serve up an attitude that I do not appreciate.

Back to the conversation at hand, I do not know what KGB is or what it's trying to sell me. All I know is that I will never in my life buy it, because everything they have said and done has been rendered totally unreliable. Besides, the amount of Syrian hamsters stacked from here to the moon is clearly only 2,282,764,987. I don't know where she's getting that extra hamster and a half.

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